
NO, I would not invest in SchoolManager. Lacking experience in administration, I don’t think I could add any value to this venture aside from capital. However, the product does differentiate itself from the rest of the market by combining a learning management system (e.g. Moodle, Blackboard) with a student management system (e.g. BCeSIS). From the administration’s point of view, this product reduces struck work by eliminating the need to re-enter data from one system to another. However, administrators (and accountants) would also need to consider annual costs of this product (including staff training, IT support, etc.) compared to the status quo before they make a decision. If costs outweigh benefits, administrators will not purchase the product and its market shares are reduced.

On the technical side, the product must be compatible with existing student management systems. For example, in B.C. secondary schools, the software would have to be compatible with BCeSIS. Its reliability is average at the very best and I am skeptical to have LMS features built on top of the foundation. They could replace BCeSIS, but I think the government and BCeSIS have a long-term contract that may be very expensive to buy out. Different provinces and states will have different existing SMS, and SchoolManager would need to be compatible (or replace) them. If SchoolManager cannot address these issues, its market shares will further be reduced.

Posted in: Week 03: Analyst Bootcamp